QUIK tariffs

All the tariffs do not include VAT. 

Basic software package

Software package Includes License, lump sum Software subscription service, monthly
Software package

Software ‘QUIK MP Broker System’ (basic package)

А possibility of 10 simultaneous connections to the System for software requiring such connection

111 000 RUB 18 105 RUB
‘QUIK MP Broker System’, training copy 29 000 RUB
‘QUIK MP Broker System’, additional test copy 100 RUB 25 875 RUB
‘QUIK MP Broker System’, ‘hot’ backup copy 100 RUB 25 875 RUB

Server Modules

Trading interfaces
Module License, lump sum Software subscription service, monthly
Moscow Exchange FX Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 23 200 RUB
Moscow Exchange Money Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 6 455 RUB
Moscow Exchange Securities Market (‘Main Market Sector’) trading interface 29 000 RUB 23 200 RUB
Moscow Exchange Clearing System of the Securities Market (Main Market Sector) program interface
Moscow Exchange Securities Market (‘Main Market Sector’) trading interface is required in the configuration
29 000 RUB 8 075 RUB
Moscow Exchange Securities market (‘Classica’ Sector) trading interface 29 000 RUB 6 455 RUB
Moscow Exchange Clearing System of the FX Market program interface
Moscow Exchange FX Market trading interface is required in the configuration
29 000 RUB 8 075 RUB
Program interface of Indicative Quote System of MOEX Derivatives Market
Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market trading interface is required in the configuration
29 000 RUB 8 585 RUB
Moscow Exchange Securities Market OTC-system trading interface 58 000 RUB 30 550 RUB
Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 23 200 RUB
SPB Exchange trading interface (Russian securities market) 29 000 RUB 33 345 RUB
SPB Exchange trading interface (Foreign securities market) 29 000 RUB 33 345 RUB
Access license for OTC Foreign currencies trading mode via SPB Exchange trading interface (Foreign securities market)
100 RUB 23 200 RUB
SPCEX trading interface 29 000 RUB 23 200 RUB
SPСEX FX Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 23 200 RUB
SPСEX Interbank Credit Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 23 200 RUB
Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange Securities Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 6 455 RUB
IMEX trading interface 29 000 RUB 33 345 RUB
AMX trading interface 29 000 RUB 23 200 RUB
Astana International Exchange trading interface 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
Eastern Exchange trading interface (Russian securities market) 29 000 RUB 33 345 RUB
Eastern Exchange FX Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 33 345 RUB
SPIMEX Derivatives Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 6 455 RUB
KASE Securities Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 6 455 RUB
KASE FX Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 6 455 RUB
KASE Derivatives Market trading interface 29 000 RUB 6 455 RUB
WSE trading interface 58 000 RUB 12 950 RUB
ITS trading interface 29 000 RUB 33 345 RUB
LSE trading interface 145 000 RUB 98 200 RUB
LSE Derivatives Market trading interface 145 000 RUB 98 200 RUB
Eurex trading interface 145 000 RUB 327 320 RUB
CME trading interface 145 000 RUB 38 820 RUB
Turquoise trading interface 145 000 RUB 38 820 RUB
FIS Global Network program interface including access to one market 100 000 RUB 85 400 RUB
License to access one additional market through FIS Global Network program interface
43 500 RUB 8 540 RUB
License to access one additional broker through FIS Global Network program interface
43 500 RUB 8 540 RUB
License to access FIS Global Network program interface from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
43 500 RUB 8 540 RUB
Program interface EBS Spot FX with access to one market 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
License to access one additional market through Program interface EBS Spot FX
43 500 RUB 12 945 RUB
Refinitiv Matching program interface 87 000 RUB 25 875 RUB
AFX special program interface 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
NTPro special program interface 87 000 RUB 25 875 RUB
Q2Q interface 29 000 RUB 6 455 RUB
News and market data interfaces
Module License, lump sum Software subscription service, monthly
PRIME newsfeed interface 14 500 RUB 1 030 RUB
INTERFAX newsfeed interface 14 500 RUB 1 030 RUB
MFD-Infocenter newsfeed interface 14 500 RUB 1 030 RUB
MFD-Infocenter market data interface 29 000 RUB 2 590 RUB
Moscow Exchange ISS information interface 14 500 RUB 2 590 RUB
Refinitiv TRKD newsfeed interface 29 000 RUB 1 030 RUB
General-purpose interface to news providers 14 500 RUB 1 030 RUB
General-purpose market data interface to trading systems 14 500 RUB 2 590 RUB
dxFeed market data interface, per each market 45 000 RUB 16 955 RUB
FIS Global Network market data interface, per each market, 1 to 3 45 000 RUB 18 655 RUB
FIS Global Network market data interface, per each market, 4 and over 1 000 RUB 18 655 RUB
Iress market data interface, per each market, 1 to 3 45 000 RUB 16 955 RUB
Iress market data interface, per each market, 4 and over 1 000 RUB 16 955 RUB
Market data interface of Refinitiv (Elektron Data Platform), per each market, 1 to 3 45 000 RUB 18 655 RUB
Market data interface of Refinitiv (Elektron Data Platform), per each market, 4 and over 1 000 RUB 18 655 RUB
Interactive Brokers market data interface, per each market, 1 to 3 45 000 RUB 16 955 RUB
Interactive Brokers market data interface, per each market, 4 and over 1 000 RUB 16 955 RUB
Nanex market data interface, per each market, 1 to 3 45 000 RUB 16 955 RUB
Nanex market data interface, per each market, 4 and over 1 000 RUB 16 955 RUB
Bloomberg B-PIPE market data interface, per each market, 1 to 3 45 000 RUB 18 655 RUB
Bloomberg B-PIPE market data interface, per each market, 4 and over 1 000 RUB 18 655 RUB
ICE Data Services market data interface, per each market, 1 to 3 45 000 RUB 16 955 RUB
ICE Data Services market data interface, per each market, 4 and over 1 000 RUB 16 955 RUB
RDK (SDCO) clearing system information interface 29 000 RUB 2 590 RUB
Trading Central newsfeed interface 29 000 RUB 1 030 RUB
Service modules
Module License, lump sum Software subscription service, monthly
QUIK MP Broker System, English localization 29 000 RUB 5 170 RUB
Archive module 36 250 RUB 10 360 RUB
Unified cash position module for spot and derivatives markets 87 000 RUB 10 360 RUB
Client questionnaire forming module 12 945 RUB
Alert dispatch module 36 250 RUB 10 360 RUB
License to access alert dispatch module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
3 625 RUB 10 360 RUB
Message import module 14 500 RUB 1 030 RUB
Non-Trade Instructions module 87 000 RUB 17 850 RUB
License to access Non-Trade Instructions module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
8 700 RUB 17 850 RUB
Report generation module 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
License to access Report generation module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
8 700 RUB 12 945 RUB
Messaging module 290 000 RUB 69 830 RUB
License to access Messaging module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
29 000 RUB 69 830 RUB
Investment recommendations module 87 000 RUB 63 545 RUB
License to access Investment recommendations module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
8 700 RUB 63 545 RUB
Directory Storage and Distribution module 290 000 RUB 77 640 RUB
Infrastructure solutions
Module License, lump sum Software subscription service, monthly
Algorithmic trading module 290 000 RUB 77 640 RUB
License to access Algorithmic trading module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
29 000 RUB 17 850 RUB
Algorithmic trading module Light 145 000 RUB 25 875 RUB
License to access Algorithmic trading module Light from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
14 500 RUB 12 945 RUB
Multi-broker service module 69 600 RUB 15 515 RUB
Module of electronic execution of sales QUIK EES 290 000 RUB 35 690 RUB
License to access Module of electronic execution of sales QUIK EES from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
29 000 RUB 8 925 RUB
Module of electronic execution of sales QUIK EES, the 2-nd and further copies 145 000 RUB 28 560 RUB
FX Convertor 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
License to access FX Convertor from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
8 700 RUB 12 945 RUB
Cross currency rates forming module 14 500 RUB 2 590 RUB
Broker quotation system 17 850 RUB
License to access Broker quotation system from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
17 850 RUB
OMS Manager module 290 000 RUB 109 105 RUB
License to access OMS Manager module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
29 000 RUB 25 875 RUB
QUIK Matching Engine 290 000 RUB 77 640 RUB
License to access QUIK Matching Engine from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
29 000 RUB 17 850 RUB
Access license for switch auctions via QUIK Matching Engine
87 000 RUB 14 800 RUB
QUIK SOR smart order routing module 290 000 RUB 51 755 RUB
License to access QUIK SOR smart order routing module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
29 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
QUIK REPO module 290 000 RUB 77 640 RUB
License to access QUIK REPO module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
29 000 RUB 17 850 RUB
KYC module 290 000 RUB 77 640 RUB
License to access KYC module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
29 000 RUB 17 850 RUB
Bookbuilding module 290 000 RUB 77 640 RUB
License to access Bookbuilding module from one additional QUIK MP Broker System server
29 000 RUB 17 850 RUB
Access server, 1 to 2 licenses (per each) 14 500 RUB 5 170 RUB
Access server, 3 to 5 licenses (per each) 14 500 RUB 4 530 RUB
Access server, 6 to 10 licenses (per each) 14 500 RUB 3 880 RUB
Access server, 11 and further licenses (per each) 14 500 RUB 3 230 RUB
web2QUIK module 58 000 RUB 15 615 RUB
Integration solutions
Module License, lump sum Software subscription service, monthly
Position management program interface 14 500 RUB 2 305 RUB
FIX adapter program interface
with capacity to serve up to 50 unique client accounts
87 000 RUB 17 850 RUB
License to use an additional client account through the FIX adapter program interface (a license for one month period), 1 to 1000 (for each)
145 RUB
License to use an additional client account through the FIX adapter program interface (a license for one month period), 1001 to 2000 (for each)
100 RUB
License to use an additional client account through the FIX adapter program interface (a license for one month period), from 2001 onwards (for each)
50 RUB
FIX adapter program interface
with capacity to process up to 10 000 transactions per month
87 000 RUB 17 850 RUB
Payment for FIX adapter program interface processing over 10 000 transactions per month (for each)
FIX adapter program interface
with capacity to process up to 500 transactions a day
87 000 RUB 17 850 RUB
Subscription payment for FIX adapter program interface for an additional transaction over 500 transactions per day (for each)
21 RUB
FIX drop copy program interface 50 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
FIX order router program interface 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
Subscription payment for FIX order router program interface for an additional session (for each)
6 465 RUB
FIX Client Connector program interface (one month license) 6 000 RUB
Bloomberg VCON drop copy program interface 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
MOEX Dealing drop copy program interface 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
SB Markets special program interface 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
FIX2MICEX (one month license) 23 200 RUB
FIX2Plaza2 (one month license) 23 200 RUB
FIX2CETS (one month license) 23 200 RUB
FIX2LSE (one month license) 72 000 RUB
FIX2QME (one month license) 21 000 RUB
FIXPreTrade (one month license) 23 200 RUB
MICEXPreTrade (for each technological identifier, one month license) 5 000 RUB
QUIK KillSwitch (LSE spot) (one month license) 36 000 RUB
QUIK KillSwitch (MOEX spot) (one month license) 11 600 RUB
QUIK KillSwitch (MOEX FX) (one month license) 11 600 RUB
QUIK KillSwitch (MOEX FM) (one month license) 11 600 RUB
Market data export module 14 500 RUB 2 590 RUB
Level2Quotes table export module 2 590 RUB
Q2Q adapter 14 500 RUB 7 770 RUB

Terminals and licenses

Software Lump sum, per 1 license Monthly, per 1 license
QUIK MP Broker user licenses, 11 to 20 (per each) 2 900 RUB 1 030 RUB
QUIK MP Broker user licenses, 21 to 40 (per each) 2 900 RUB 520 RUB
QUIK MP Broker user licenses, 41 to 70 (per each) 1 450 RUB 520 RUB
QUIK MP Broker user licenses, 71 and over (per each) 1 450 RUB
QUIK workstation 100 RUB
QUIK MP Broker user licenses for mobile devices (PocketQUIK), 1 to 10 licenses (per each)
for iQUIK X and QUIK Android X
(web2QUIK module is required in the QUIK server configuration)
2 900 RUB 520 RUB
QUIK MP Broker user licenses for mobile devices (PocketQUIK), 11 to 50 licenses (per each)
for iQUIK X and QUIK Android X
(web2QUIK module is required in the QUIK server configuration)
2 900 RUB 420 RUB
QUIK MP Broker user licenses for mobile devices (PocketQUIK), 51 to 100 licenses (per each)
for iQUIK X and QUIK Android X
(web2QUIK module is required in the QUIK server configuration)
2 900 RUB 260 RUB
QUIK MP Broker user licenses for mobile devices (PocketQUIK), 101 to 500 licenses (per each)
for iQUIK X and QUIK Android X
(web2QUIK module is required in the QUIK server configuration)
2 900 RUB 120 RUB
QUIK MP Broker user licenses for mobile devices (PocketQUIK), 501 licenses and over (per each)
for iQUIK X and QUIK Android X
(web2QUIK module is required in the QUIK server configuration)
2 900 RUB
webQUIK user licenses, 1 to 500 (per each)
web2QUIK module is required in the QUIK server configuration
1 015 RUB 245 RUB
webQUIK user licenses, 501 to 1000 (per each)
web2QUIK module is required in the QUIK server configuration
495 RUB 145 RUB
webQUIK user licenses, 1001 and over (per each)
web2QUIK module is required in the QUIK server configuration
247 RUB 80 RUB
BasketTrading module, Standard 8 000 RUB 1 290 RUB
BasketTrading module, Unlimited 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
BasketTrading module, Standard to Unlimited Upgrade
Required 10 licenses for the software 'BasketTrading module, Standard'
7 000 RUB
Option analytics module, Standard 8 000 RUB 1 290 RUB
Option analytics module, Unlimited 87 000 RUB 12 945 RUB
Option analytics module, Standard to Unlimited Upgrade
Required 10 licenses for the software 'Option analytics module, Standard'
7 000 RUB
Asset manager terminal module ('TrustManager') 8 700 RUB 3 100 RUB
CoLibri SM risk manager terminal module 5 800 RUB 2 070 RUB
CoLibri FM risk manager terminal module 5 800 RUB 2 070 RUB
CoLibri FX risk manager terminal module 5 800 RUB 1 030 RUB
Specialized multi-broker service workstation 5 800 RUB 2 590 RUB
QUIK Administrator for sub-broker 29 000 RUB 2 590 RUB
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