
ARQA Technologies has been developing comprehensive solutions and technologies for financial markets since 2000.

2023 Results
QUIK and backQORT work with DBMS PostgreSQL
2022 Results
QDealing: service to agree on terms of OTC trades with interbroker chats
2021 Results
ARQA Technologies is a member of RUSSOFT, the noncommercial association of software companies in Russia, and the National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR).
2020 Results
QORT server interaction with external program applications via the web-services
2019 Results
Branding of QUIK mobile and web-terminals.
2018 Results
Development of new generation mobile terminals — QUIK Android X and iQUIK X.
2017 Results
Support of EU MiFID II requirements in the company's products.
Release of depoQORT — a system of depository

2016 Results
Development of specialized backQORT for Forex Dealers.
2015 Results

Release of a new software product — middle-office of an asset management company capQORT.

2014 Results
Development of software solutions for deployment and optimization of complex trading infrastructures.
The emergence of a new brand name for one of the company’s products — RISQ solutions — that comprises a range of pre-trade control solutions for trading and features a broad functionality for risk minimization and pre-adapted to various types of low-latency infrastructures.
2013 Results
Development of QUIK SOR (Smart Order Routing), a module for automatic order routing based on the “best execution” principle.
Development of QUIK Matching Engine, a trading core for quick matching of the broker's client orders created in QUIK.
Support of new trading modes (T+) at Moscow Stock Exchange in all software products of the company.

2012 Results
Development and certification of solutions for direct access to LSE and UTP WSE trading systems.
Support of two-level access to trading on Moscow Exchange FX market for the company's products.
2011 Results
Development of the Order Management System (OMS).
2010 Results
Development of low-latency solutions with fast pre-trade control.
Ukrainian office and Data Center are opened in Kiev.
2009 Results
Adaptation of the backQORT back-office solution for Ukrainian financial markets.
First clients in Europe.
2008 Results
A complete line of front-to-back solutions for automation of front-, middle-, and back-office operations (QUIK, midQORT, and backQORT).
Adaptation of the backQORT back-office solution for Western markets.
Development of QORT, a platform for end-to-end automation of financial market operations.
Entry into CIS countries' markets (Ukraine, Kazakhstan).
Data Center was opened in Moscow.
Access to Western markets provided through partners' technological networks (SunGard).
The company joined the Committee on Information and Technical Support Services of Moscow Exchange.
Provision of services on the basis of Data Centers (QUIK outsourcing and back-up).
Support of the FIX protocol to connect QUIK to trading platforms of foreign brokers.
First QUIK client applications for mobile devices.
Development of first solutions for risk management on financial markets (CoLibri).
Development of the webQUIK system working in a browser window without special programs.
QUIK becomes one of the leading Internet-trading systems in Russia.
Launch of the QUIK-Junior training trading system.
The company’s foundation on the basis of the Technical Management of the Siberian Interbank Currency Exchange (Novosibirsk).
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