QUIK Broker, training copy

ARQA Technologies provides training (demo) trading access to Moscow Exchange that helps brokers and their clients to get practical skills in using QUIK, engage in active trading in a demo mode, test trading algorithms, strategies and technical access to the trading system.

The service is provided under the MOEX training system access agreement.

Variants of training sessions which can be offered by the broker

  1. Purchasing of the QUIK Broker training copy
    when the main QUIK copy is used on the broker’s premises.

    In this case, the training complex configuration coincides with that of the broker’s main copy, used as a model.

    The broker connects the QUIK training copy to the MOEX training server on its own.

  1. QUIK Broker as SaaS in the training mode
    when the main QUIK copy is provided from an ARQA Technologies data center.

    It offers training access to all main MOEX instruments — stocks, derivative contracts, FX.

    This variant allows expanding the system functionality with additional modules and using additional services — archiving market data feed and drawing charts beyond one trading day, adding the Report generation module, news and analytical services, etc.

    The QUIK Administrator software is at the broker’s disposal, and the broker can register new users and determine their rights and settings.

To get access to training sessions at MOEX, the broker should

  • Send an e-mail inquiry to help@moex.com listing the company name, specialist contacts, connection type (Internet or a dedicated line).
  • Conclude an agreement with MOEX on getting training market data. With any agreement-related questions, contact the Exchange data sales department by e-mail data@moex.com or phone +7 (495) 363-3232.
  • Depending on a way of organizing training sessions, connect the QUIK training copy to the MOEX training server, or send authentication data to ARQA Technologies specialists for setting QUIK Broker as SaaS in the training mode.

Use Options

Purchase Managed services / System backup Hosting Testing

QUIK Junior

QUIK Junior is a training server based on the QUIK platform that provides free introductory access to MOEX training systems.

Purpose and Functions

  • QUIK Junior is primarily used when teaching core subjects in educational institutions.
  • The server is an easy demonstration of realistic exchange trading and helps to master the full QUIK platform functionality.
  • The server simulates real trading on the MOEX securities (Stocks A1) market using previous trading days’ ‘Time and Sales’ data and allows execution of ‘demo’ trades. 
  • The client may choose access to the training systems of Derivatives and FX markets of Moscow Exchange.
  • For these markets, a server administrator performs required limit setting and adjustment on the QUIK Junior server.

The training service is provided under the MOEX agreements on training systems access and use of archive data.

Rules and Procedures of QUIK Junior at the Data Center

(Moscow GMT +3:00)
Stage Comments for QUIK-Junior Users
Starting the QUIK Junior server
Automatic transfer of previous day limits
Start of the trading session emulator of the Moscow Exchange Securities Market (‘Main market’ sector)
Active operations (to forward/cancel orders) are available
Start of the training system gateway of the Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market
Data on users' limits and positions are available
09:00 - 15:45

Active operations in the Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market training trading system (to forward/cancel orders) are available — Main session
09:46 Start of the training system gateway of the Moscow Exchange FX Market
Data on users' positions are available
10:00 - 23:50   Active operations in the Moscow Exchange FX Market training trading system (to forward/cancel orders) are available — Main session
16:00 - 22:00

Active operations in the Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market training trading system (to forward/cancel orders) are available — Evening session
Disconnection of the training system gateway of the Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market

Stop of the trading session emulator of the Moscow Exchange Securities Market (‘Main market’ sector)
End of the order reception and execution period. Automatic cancellation of all unfilled orders
Disconnection of the training system gateway of the Moscow Exchange FX Market  
Stop of the QUIK-Junior server
Forced disconnection


  1. These rules and procedures are valid for weekdays in the Russian Federation.
  2. Operation of the QUIK-Junior server may not be guaranteed on weekdays after 19-30 Moscow time and on weekends.
  3. Access to the training trading systems of the Derivatives and FX markets of Moscow Exchange on weekends in the Russian Federation is not provided.

Rules and Procedures of the webQUIK server

Start of the webQUIK server


Automatic transfer of previous day limits
Stop of the webQUIK server

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