QUIK digest for the first quarter of 2024
Q1, 2024
Dear users of ARQA Technologies software products, we would like to offer to your attention the digest of the main changes in QUIK products made in the first quarter of 2024.
ARQA Technologies held its annual seminar in Moscow. More than 400 participants from 110 companies – clients and partners – attended the event.
ARQA Technologies implemented QUIK software as a key part of the technological platform of the Central Asian Stock Exchange (CASE). At the current stage, QUIK software serves as a matching core of CASE, provides services for receiving and processing client instructions, distributing market data as well as organizing online pre-trade risk management of trading operations. The new technological platform is already used for primary placements on the public debt market of the Republic of Tajikistan.
New Software
The QDealing user application was released for iOS and Android devices. It is designed to negotiate with users of the QDealing solution, works simultaneously with the corresponding functionality of the desktop QUIK terminal, and allows the users to stay connected all the time.
New Versions of Software
For the full list of changes in QUIK software products, see the News on the company’s website.
QUIK supports operation in the alternative OS Linux (Linux Astra SE 1.7.4) in new versions of Access server 13.3, FIX adapter, FIX drop copy and FIX Client Connector program interfaces 4.0, and QUIK server software 12.1.
Trading Interfaces
KASE Securities Market trading interface — 2.1
The interface supports new modes to trade in stocks: KASE E&B: T+ Stocks KASE Global, KASE E&B: T+ Stocks KASE Global (USD settle).
Service Modules
All improvements are related to innovations of service providers (due to discontinuation of previous versions). In particular, transition was made:
- to a new version of the protocol of the SMS notification provided by ‘SMS Aero’,
- to a new push notifications dispatch service for Android devices — Google FCM.
Report generation module — 4.1
- The module allows migration of the Module’s database from DBMS MSSQL to DBMS PostgreSQL, the size of which exceeds 50 GB,
- The module gives a possibility to exclude orders with ‘Registering’ or ‘Rejected’ statuses from the report on non-trade instructions.
- Group charts can be created by any user and include any number of members. Any member can leave the group chat at any time.
- In the group chart dialog window, it became possible to start a private chat with a specific user by selecting the corresponding item in the context menu.
- In dialogs between two groups, it became possible to view the list of all members of the communication. In the dialog window you can find information about the group and the organization the user belongs to.
Integration Solutions
FIX adapter, FIX drop copy and FIX Client Connector program interfaces — 4.0
All three interfaces can be used for transmission of positions in cash and securities in calendar days.
In addition, in Execution Report messages the FIX drop copy program interface supports transmission of the attribute and status in the ‘REPO trades with open date’ mode on the Moscow Exchange Securities Market.
Infrastructure Solutions
- In the double-sided auction with the generation of ‘On broker quotes’ trades, the solution allows the Level2Quotes table to be filled in by several clients with the ‘Broker’ type, which are sources of liquidity for the trading class.
- In case of cancelation of the main auction, the Module can hold an additional auction, and it uses the extended logic when publishing the results of the canceled auction.
- An option was added to suspend the auction with its further resumption.
- There is full support for ‘NDM’, ‘Negdeal REPO’ and ‘Modified REPO’ modes.
- It became possible to transfer data from directories of the Broker quotation system to the Module’s directories.
- There is expanded functionality due to:
— the possibility to add bonds with a face value currency different from the trading one,
— the work with bonds with an indexed face value,
— the new ‘ACI values’ directory which allows setting the ACI value for bond on a specific date,
— calculation of ACI considering the bond basis.
- It became possible to fill directories by using the Directory Storage and Distribution module.
- The Module supports new modes for cross trade checks, which make it possible to prohibit users from matching orders between clients of the same firm, between the same client of different firms and between the same client of the same firm.
- There is the ‘Price restrictions’ directory which can be used to set price restrictions for negotiated orders and quotes.
- It became possible to update data in directories of the Module without its restart.
User Terminals
Risk manager terminal module CoLibri — 4.30
- The terminalsupports position keeping in calendar dates.
- It works with DBMS PostgreSQL.
TrustManager terminal module for asset managers — 2.10
Innovations made to improve the work with client groups include:
- the possibility to sort clients alphabetically in the group,
- quick search by client code is available when editing the group,
- optimized work with large groups of clients.
Changes were made in functionality of the Limit calculation library (LCL):
- it became possible to replace a currency code when keeping cash positions,
- the number of class groups, for which it is possible to set up a tariff plan with a commission scale, was increased up to 28,
- it became possible to control access to complex financial instruments for operations in classes of the Algorithmic trading module.
For all questions regarding the products, their terms of use and testing, please contact the Sales and Marketing Department of ARQA Technologies: +7-383-2191619, sales@arqatech.com.
For all questions on operation of QUIK software, please contact QUIK Technical Support Team: +7-383-2191606, quiksupport@arqatech.com.
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