ARQA Technologies: results of 2024

9 january 2025


In 2024, 27 organizations including banks, exchanges, investment and asset management companies became new clients of ARQA Technologies. Twenty of them implemented QUIK software, and eight — solutions based on the QORT software platform.

QUIK Complex

Exchange Projects

Last year, QUIK software was implemented as a key part (matching core) of the technological platform of the Central Asian Stock Exchange (CASE) — the main venue of the organized financial market of Tajikistan. A number of successfully implemented exchange projects and modularity of the QUIK solution made it possible to implement the project with CASE in record time — less than three months.

In cooperation with another trading venue based on the QUIK core, the software complex allowed organizing the trading in FX instruments.

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Server Modules

In 2024, the list of QUIK server modules was expanded with the following new products:

The company also supported all major infrastructure innovations on the Moscow Exchange and SPCEX markets in the corresponding QUIK Trading interfaces.

Other significant improvements in the company's Infrastructure solutions include:

  • In the Algorithmic trading module there is an option to limit operations on the QUIK server for algorithmic parent orders of ’Iceberg’ and GTD types,

  • The OMS Manager module provides a possibility of simultaneous position keeping on the QUIK server for the Module’s classes and exchange execution classes, which makes it possible to limit positions on the QUIK server both when registering OMS orders and executing transactions for exchange classes.

User Terminals

QUIK user terminals were developed. In 2024, several updates of the desktop terminal QUIK workstation were released. There are also two updates of mobile terminals for iOS (iQUIK X) and Android (QUIK Android X), which support the forwarding of orders in placement modes on the Moscow Exchange.

Last year, the company’s video library of materials about the capabilities and subtleties of working with the QUIK system become available on the official ARQA Technologies channel in VK Video. The content of this channel has matching content to the company's channel on YouTube and is regularly updated with new videos.

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Business Solutions

Last year, the company was very active in developing and promoting QDealing – the service to agree on terms of OTC trades.

The QDealing mobile application for iOS and Android devices was released for dialogs (chats) with users of QDealing. The account of this application can be linked to the QUIK Workstation account, which allows viewing and participating in dialogs simultaneously in the QDealing application and in the main QUIK terminal, staying connected all the time.


With the service users now can create group chats and send file attachments of any format. In addition, many ergonomic improvements were made to the chats, such as: convenient formation of mailing lists with an option to add groups, grouping chats into folders, spell checking when entering text in chats, displaying user statuses and read messages, flexible customization of message notifications, etc.

Together with the legal community, methodological elaboration of the legal scheme for formalizing agreements reached within the framework of the service was carried out. In particular, standard forms for inclusion of QDealing in General Agreements and Brokers Regulations were prepared.

In addition, new functionality was added to QDealing for the convenience of compliance departments of professional market participants using the service.

Also in 2024, the QDealing service got its own website —

Over the year the service achieved high recognition in the professional community. By the end of the year, 91 organizations connected to the service, and 620 users work in chats.

QORT Platform

In the products based on the QORT software platform, great attention in 2024 was paid to improving the system usability as well as to expanding the functionality for working with the phases of REPO trades.

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Automated back-office backQORT

backQORT acquired significantly expanded possibilities of setting, calculating and writing off commissions, and the significantly improved reconciliation functionality. Besides that, back-office now has an option to independently upload and edit document templates and specify their validity periods.

Middle-office of an asset management company capQORT

The trading functionality of capQORT was further developed. In particular, there are new modes for changing the quantity in orders, possibilities to register swaps of a new type, to load orders from a file, to send partially executed orders for full execution, and to replace parameters of already active orders.

The functionality of the portfolio organizer was significantly improved, which includes expanded functionality for portfolio analytics. The middle-office has new reports and mechanisms for defining the management strategy and significantly expanded possibilities for setting restrictions.

Support for a New System Stack

For many financial market participants 2025 will be the year of transition to new system software. In this regard, last year ARQA Technologies placed great emphasis on the support of the new system stack in their software products.

As results of the year, back-ends of QUIK and backQORT systems are fully ready to work on new software. Postgres Professional confirmed an official status of technological compatibility of these software products with Postgres Pro DBMS. They can also be installed and used in OS Linux (Linux Astra SE 1.7.4).

For the front-end, the company provided a possibility of running and operation of user, administrator and monitoring terminals under WINE.

Also, QUIK server software supports the mechanism for exporting reports from the QUIK Administrator in the universal format, which allows opening such reports in common office packages like ‘Open Office’, ‘Libre Office’, ‘MyOffice’.

During the year, information on 21 QUIK and QORT modules was entered into the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases.

Moreover, ARQA Technologies software products were included in the Repository of IT solutions for the financial industry of the Russian FinTech association.


In 2024, ARQA Technologies participated in 24 different events, conferences, partner seminars, working meetings of the regulator and professional communities.

During the year, the company held two events for users of the QDealing service, where the participants strengthened user community bonds and learned about new functionality of the service.

Customers and partners of ARQA Technologies showed an increasing interest to the company’s annual seminar. The number of its participants continues to grow – last year it was attended by more than 400 representatives from 110 companies.

In 2024, the company expanded their presence in social networks and launched an official Telegram channel “ARQA Technologies News” which publishes information about the company’s new products, services, as well as about updated versions of software, completed projects, and installations.


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