QORT digest for the second quarter of 2024

10 july 2024

Q2, 2024

Dear users of ARQA Technologies software products, we offer to your attention the digest of the main features introduced in solutions based on the QORT software platform in the second quarter of 2024.

Automated back-office backQORT — Solution for Banks and Investment Companies

Module of integration with RU DATA

New Functionality

There is an option to download from RUDATA ACI values calculated per asset unit in a face value currency for each day of future periods.


New Functionality

The back-office can consider collateral during execution of corrections and stages for commission writing off.

It became possible to calculate the commission by turnover separately for each asset.

When calculating commissions, it became possible to generate reports without generating accrual/writing off operations.

For derivatives market trades, it is now possible to calculate commissions using the ‘Blocked’ algorithm.


New Functionality

The back-office allows registering new type of trades – ‘Total return swap’.

For trades of the ‘Securities loan’ type, it became possible to use the variable rate functionality, similarly to REPO trades.

REPO Trades

New Functionality

When creating a prolongation phase, it is now possible to specify a new transaction rate and the date from which it applies.


New Functionality

It became possible to reconcile positions in securities and cash with QUIK data according to schedule.

In the EQM98 reconciliation it is possible to create coupon payments in the form of corrections.

Reconciliation is supported for the MFB66 report – ‘Report on blocked assets’.

System Usability

New Functionality

The ‘i’ button was added in modes for adding/editing trades, corrections, and securities redemptions, which allows viewing and editing ‘Sub-account’, ‘Counterparty’, ‘Subacc owner’, ‘Owner’ fields without opening general tables.


New Functionality

When importing derivatives market trades and orders from QUIK, the system can define sub-accounts by records in payment and delivery accounts.

It is possible to specify user’s own identifies for types of non-trading orders for withdrawal of funds when forwarding instructions to QUIK.

It became possible to automatically block clients with expired KYC dates.

There is an option to specify variety of primary documents for phases, corrections, and redemptions.

The back-office allows downloading the clearing center’s indicative discounts for currency.

Middle-office capQORT — Solution for Asset Management Companies

Module of integration with RU DATA

New Functionality

The middle-office can import RUSFAR rates from RUDATA.


New Functionality

The system can consider collateral during execution of corrections and stages for commission writing off.


New Functionality

The middle-office allows registering new type of trades – ‘Total return swap’.

REPO Trades

New Functionality

When creating a prolongation phase, it is now possible to specify a new transaction rate and the date from which it applies.


New Functionality

In the dialog window of the “Corrections’ table it is possible to select subaccounts by their owners.


New Functionality

In DFI restrictions, there is an option to exclude securities received by the first REPO leverage.

System Usability

New Functionality

In the asset filter, it became possible to display only the assets in circulation.

The middle-office allows keeping the ‘Depth of market’ table visible, which makes it possible not to close the table when clicking on the ‘Set price’ button.

The ‘i’ button was added in modes for adding/editing trades, corrections, and securities redemptions, which allows viewing and editing ‘Sub-account’, ‘Counterparty’, ‘Subacc owner’, ‘Owner’ fields without opening general tables.

It is possible to view restrictions related to ‘Edit portfolio restrictions’ and ‘Edit violations’ windows when clicking on the ‘i’ button.


New Functionality

When importing derivatives market trades and orders from QUIK, the system can define sub-accounts by records in payment and delivery accounts.

It is possible to specify user’s own identifies for types of non-trading orders for withdrawal of funds when forwarding instructions to QUIK.

The middle-office allows downloading the clearing center’s indicative discounts for currency.


For any questions regarding the products, their terms of use and testing, please contact the Sales and Marketing Department of ARQA Technologies: +7-383-2191619, sales@arqatech.com

For all questions on operation of the QORT software, please contact QORT Technical Support Team: +7-383-2191699, qortsupport@arqatech.com

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