Improvements in QORT products made in October, 2021
We offer to your attention the main improvements in solutions based on the QORT software platform.
- An option was added to automatically send reports on OTC trades executed on non-working days.
- Now the amount of assets can be specified in fractional numbers in REPO trades forwarded in standard and bulk reports.
- In the calculator of margin indicators, it is possible to exclude some subaccounts from the analytical account, which allows more flexible calculation of indicators.
Module of integration with Cbonds Database
- To optimize data upload, it is possible to deactivate import of data from Cbonds for redeemed assets.
Automated back-office backQORT
- OKUD 0420416, 0420417, and 0420458 report forms in XBRL became available for the taxonomy 4.2.
Non-trade Instructions:
- There is a new ‘Deposit to or refund from property pool’ instruction subsort in non-trade instructions to transfer cash and securities.
- There is support for a new type of unit investment funds – ‘ETF shares’ (available for ‘Shares’ and ‘Instruments of foreign mutual funds’ assets).
- The commission for REPO trades can be calculated on the date of actual settlements for the second part of the trade.
System Usability:
- The standard asset filter allows filtering by a list of asset codes.
- When generating and editing client documents, it is possible to specify the document currency (‘Specify document currency’ checkbox). When the checkbox is activated, the ‘Document currency’ field becomes editable in ‘Edit document’ and ‘Client documents generation’ dialogues.
- When generating broker reports for clients and calculating commissions, it has become possible to upload the list of clients from an external file. Previously, it was possible only to choose clients by using filters.
- An option was added to set a logging level for the user terminal in the terminal setting menu. The logging level changes without the terminal’s restart.
SWIFT messages:
- If there are tolerances when processing incoming SWIFT messages for a trade (MT 518, 544, 545, 546, 547, 599), they can be recalculated in the settlement currency by using euro cross-rates from the ECB. Previously, such tolerances were recalculated by cross-rates from the Bank of Russia.
Middle-office of an asset management company capQORT
Filters/System Usability:
- The standard asset filter allows filtering by a list of asset codes.
- The ‘Violation table’ displays elements of violation which are sourced from limits on work with assets and counterparties.
- When REPO terms change, parameters of the trade’s second part can be obtained by requesting the corresponding information from the IDB (for example, for early closure of the trade).
- Coupon payments received between settlement dates of the first and second parts of the REPO trade can be excluded from the calculation of ACI of the REPO pool order’s second part.
- It has become possible to automatically select deposits and bonds with inbuilt option which are acceptable for early termination/redemption.
Pool Orders:
- There is a possibility of a forced request for pool orders external confirmation for subaccounts included in the analytical account. To do this, a corresponding feature needs to be specified in the analytical account.
- In case of cancellation of an algo order in QUIK which was forwarded on the basis of the instruction from capQORT, the information on the reason of its cancellation is now displayed in the pool order parameters.
- During generation of an OTC pool FX order via the system terminal or IDB, it is possible to specify currencies in fractional numbers.
- The ‘Replace’ item of the context menu in the ‘Order pools’ table is now available including for pool orders created on the basis of instructions from the Portfolio organizer. When choosing the item and specifying the price, all active orders are cancelled (i.e. cancellation of OTC trades) and re-forwarded with a new price.
- Now it is possible to specify several periods in which a certain limit will be active for a certain portfolio.
- One of intermediate violation statuses (‘Precorrected’) can be excluded from the workflow (banned) for easier work with violations.
- Support is provided for a new type of assets classification: ‘Consolidated rating’. The ‘Consolidated asset ratings’ table was added which displays the asset, ISIN, and its consolidated rating. The consolidated rating is also displayed in the ‘Fund parameters’ window of the Portfolio organizer and is taken into account during the limit control.