Electronic Document Flow for Brokers
Purpose and Applications
- to get clients' personal data,
- to keep a register of clients’ documents,
- to receive and process non-trade orders from clients and broker employees,
- to provide clients with reports,
- to send files and reports signed with an electronic digital signature.
Modules and Services Used
Using backQORT back office for maintaining client document registry
While clients are registered and provided with services, various documents need be prepared and maintained, including:
- service contracts,
- powers of attorney,
- orders to open and close accounts,
- orders to change tariff plans.
The backQORT back office system features a number of automated procedures that simplify keeping the above-mentioned and other client documents, such as:
- preparation of a set of documents based on a predefined template,
- monitoring the effective period of documents and sending notifications.
Using Non-Trade Instructions Module to receive and process non-trade orders
When trading on financial markets, clients need to issue various non-trade orders, such as:
- orders to withdraw assets (both cash and noncash),
- orders to deposit additional cash and securities into the broker account,
- orders to move assets between trading venues and convert them.
clients using QUIK terminals, evaluate and control associated risks and manage
related order routing throughout internal departments.
The standard scheme for routing non-trade orders from their registration to execution

Using report generation module to provide reports to clients
With the help of Report generation module brokers’ clients may view their own operations, balances, limits, and orders for any trading day in the form of a separate report. This spares the clients the need to devise their own system for keeping broker reports.From the functional point of view, the module consists of a gateway that receives requests and generates reports, a database that stores all necessary information, and an Exchange data export module that downloads information from the exchange into the database.
The report generation process is initiated by the client selecting a specific menu option in the QUIK workstation. Currently, the following report types are available:
- all transactions of the client,
- all orders of the client,
- all stop orders of the client,
- all non-trade orders of the client,
- client's portfolio,
- client's positions on Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market,
- one non-trade order,
- all trades of all clients,
- client’s address orders,
- files sent to the client.
All of the reports may be signed with a broker's digital signature. Report templates may be modified and new ones added based on broker requirements.
In addition to generating and sending reports, the Report Generation Module supports different file formats (reports and documents in formats Word, Excel, PDF, html, etc.). All transmitted files may also be signed with a broker's digital signature.
The back office system backQORT may also automatically generate daily client reports and make them available in QUIK terminals through the Report Generation Module. The same mechanism may also be used to send monthly reports to clients and getting them countersigned with a client's digital signature.