Position Management

backQORT allows for online calculation, monitoring and control of positions for all trade and non-trade operations with financial instruments of a company or bank and their clients.

The trade data is delivered from front-office systems (mostly QUIK). The trade data can also be imported directly from QUIK OMS and the Broker quotation system. Trades, including those with dates different from the current trading day, can be entered manually. Postdated trades are neither processed nor included in reports and performance results until the trading date becomes operational. When a predated trade is entered, the position is automatically recalculated for every successive date.

The system supports on-exchange rolling over of long and short client positions. Besides that, backQORT allows rolling over client positions by using OTC-trades which can be either entered into backQORT or executed in the Broker quotation system QUIK without sending the orders to the exchange. Currency positions can be rolled over by using SWAP trades, including those with mixed currency pairs.

If forced position closure is required, the system automatically generates instructions for forced position closure with online update of their parameters. The decision about forced position closure is made by the broker company’s specialist. According to the parameters, the instructions to close a position can be generated in specified sequence or depending on the asset or position volume.

Types of Instruments and Transactions

The system accounts exchange and OTC transactions on spot and derivatives markets in Russia and abroad. When necessary, it allows monitoring trade stages and supports all basic trading modes.

Types of trade operations accounted in the system

  1. exchange and OTC transactions with securities on Russian and foreign markets, including REPO trades with fixed and variable rates,
  2. exchange and OTC transactions to purchase/sell securities, including FX operations in Russian and foreign markets,
  1. OTC transactions to place (elicit) funds in Russian markets,
  2. exchange and OTC transactions with derivative financial instruments (futures, options) in Russian and foreign markets,
  3. forward operations with T+3 settlements (in the Russian market).

The system supports operations with the following types of assets

  1. ordinary and preferred shares,
  2. bonds (corporate bonds, bonds of the federal subjects of the RF, municipal bonds, bonds of the Bank of Russia, federal loan bonds, state treasury bonds, sovereign bonds, RF eurobonds, corporate eurobonds, credit notes),
  3. depositary receipts (ADR and GDR),
  4. promissory notes and investment shares,
  1. currency (RF roubles, foreign currency),
  2. derivative financial instruments (currency and interest swap, futures, options),
  3. mortgage participation certificate,
  4. warrants,
  5. rights.

Positions in backQORT are managed taking into account the following aspects

  • assets (money, securities),
  • owners (sub-accounts),
  • storage location (for personal accounts),
  • settlement dates.
A position reflects the amount of assets on a particular sub-account broken down by storage locations.

Positions are managed using the following indicators

  • current and planned amounts of balance,
  • cost of opening a position,
  • liabilities on REPO transactions and forwards.
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