QORT digest for the third quarter of 2017

11 october 2017

Q3, 2017

Dear users of software products from ARQA Technologies, we are offering for your attention the digest of main features introduced in solutions based on QORT software platform in the 3rd quarter of 2017.

Middle-office midQORT and back-office backQORT — solutions for banks and investment companies

Main improvements made in midQORT and backQORT software in Q3 of 2017 include:

Automation and group operations

New functionality

Supported in

The dialogue for generation of trades and trade orders automatically selects the currency for a price of a financial instrument.

midQORT, backQORT

When importing trades, trade stages, corrections and redemptions from the Intermediate data base (IDB) it has become possible to check actuality of a physical account on the trade day.


When editing fields ‘Cross rate date’ and ‘Days before payment’ in the editor of securities and REPO trades, the fields ‘Volume in payment currency’ and ‘Volume 2 in payment currency’ (for REPO) are automatically recalculated in the block ‘Payment in different currency’. These fields may always be edited manually.

midQORT, backQORT

Limit processing

New functionality

Supported in

When creating restrictions on the Moscow Exchange Derivative market already executed corrections are now taken into account.

midQORT, backQORT

The form ‘LFA calculator’ acquired an option to calculate the level of funds adequacy for FX instruments and metals.

midQORT, backQORT

Order processing

New functionality

Supported in

When executing orders to withdraw cash it is now possible to enter a particular amount for withdrawal and choose ‘Cash withdrawal (balance)’ option. At the same time, the system calculates the amount available for withdrawal.


Trade orders may be generated from the ‘Currency, deposits’ trade card.



New functionality

Supported in

The commission template by the ‘trade’ calculation basis acquired a new ‘scale of portfolio evaluation’ feature. The commission amount may now be set on the scale depending on portfolio evaluation in the previous month.


To calculate commissions a new calculation basis was added: ‘commission for portfolio evaluation (fixed)’. The base allows writing off fixed commission depending on portfolio evaluation by weighted average price for the previous month according to the scale.


To calculate commissions for orders it has become possible to specify order volume (number of lots in the order), commission for every lot, and the number of free orders, which may be forwarded with no commission.



New functionality

Supported in

A new field ‘total interest’ was added to the ‘Calculation data’ tab in the REPO trade editor. It shows the full amount of interest which the client should pay for REPO trades.

midQORT, backQORT


New functionality

Supported in

It has become possible to generate OKUD report form 0420422 as indicated in the Directive of the Bank of Russia # 4425-U.

backQORT. Version for FOREX-dealers

A new functionality was added to combine data in files for overall reconciliation with reports on positions on the Moscow Exchange Derivative market (fpos, opos and pay).


For reconciliation with the Moscow Exchange report for derivative market ‘on foreign currency and securities provided as collateral’ such files are combined in one and sent for reconciliation.


The algorithm for reconciliation with the clearing report SEM02 of Moscow Exchange supports functionality for replacing client codes.
This feature allows reconciliation with reports when client code replacement is set on the QUIK server.

midQORT, backQORT

The liability report for a period now includes:

  • actual position for past dates and current position for future date,
  • position inclusive of liabilities for all dates,
  • actual position for past dates and current position inclusive of liabilities for future dates.

midQORT, backQORT

The dialogue for launching ‘Broker operations register’ report acquired the ‘FX market’ parameter. When the parameter is chosen the system generates a report on client operations on FX market.


The summary report table allows saving the order and choice of columns in a template form.


The data on legal entity’s Tax Registration Code within the OKUD report form 0420415 as specified in the directive 4096-U is taken from a new field of the ‘Business partners’ table (if filled).


The ‘Extended OKUD0420427 decoding’ report comprises the table ‘Corrections in OKUD0420427’ with data on corrections.


Directories and documents

New functionality

Supported in

New instruction statuses ‘Denied’ and ‘Term expired’ were added to the forms ‘Registration directory of client instructions’ and ‘Register of client instructions’.


A new client document type — general instruction — was added.


The field ‘risk category’ in the table of business partners was renamed ‘risk category/level’. Risk level values were also changed (‘standard’, ‘high’, ‘special’).


The item 'List of changes’ was added to the context menu of the corrections table. A table of the same name opens for correction when this item is selected.

midQORT, backQORT

System usability

New functionality

Supported in

The ‘Users’ table acquired a new field displaying the date of the last user’s entry to the system.

midQORT, backQORT

The form ‘Transfer parameters for FX market liabilities’ allows simultaneous generation of orders to roll over ruble and currency positions in one table.


Negative values in the ‘report on obligations over a period’ may now have red color in all operating modes.


It has become possible to link client's instruction to corresponding corrections.
A new column ‘Available non-trade instruction’ in the corrections table shows if there is a link.


Trader’s ID in the QUIK system is shown in a separate column of the trades table.

midQORT, backQORT

It has become possible to arrange a storage structure of folders for trade documents. Tags may be put in a special field. They are replaced with text in a selected order and may indicate a ‘Path for saving trade documents’.


The algorithm for generation of trade settlement stages has been improved: it has become possible to put in planned dates for full delivery and payment stages from trade parameters.

midQORT, backQORT

A new functionality was added for easier interconnection between various company’s or bank’s units when working with trades.
Trade editing by a trader may be banned if a back office specialist sets the ‘checked’ status on the trade. This allows avoiding situations of simultaneous trade editing by trader and back office. At the same time, SWIFT messages (MT54) are generated only for trades with the ‘checked’ status

midQORT, backQORT

The editor of securities and REPO trades uses cross rate on the trade execution date if the cross rate on a specified date is not found.

midQORT, backQORT

An option was added to the asset card for searching basic asset. It has also become possible to filter basic assets available for the asset of a specified class and type.

midQORT, backQORT

Client registration functionality on the MOEX was extended with option to register various client codes for various markets under one client.


Margin calls may now be automatically sent only on working days.

midQORT, backQORT

Security and performance

New functionality

Supported in

Domain user authentication by name and password is supported with the help of Multipurpose SSPI Provider.

midQORT, backQORT


New functionality

Supported in

During reconciliation with the dbf file it has become possible to execute ‘Monitoring business partners by FSFM list’ on schedule. The file may also be saved on the server with its path specified.


Reconciliation is available for the list of traded securities in the DBF format published daily by Moscow Exchange.
Reconciliation results in:

  • adjustment of instrument quotation list,
  • asset transfer to OTC in the revaluation sections if there are no reporting records for it,
  • adjustment of issuer jurisdiction.


During reconciliation with the report on stock market the amount of available cash in QORT is displayed in the diagnostics column for discrepancies of the type ‘Not found in report’.


Currency conversion is supported during reconciliation with reports MFB15, MFB99, MFB06, SPB03.

midQORT, backQORT


New functionality

Supported in

The ‘External delivery account’ feature was added to the physical account card. The feature is imported from the IDB. When processing a trade for such an account the system automatically generates T0 stages of external delivery and full delivery.

midQORT, backQORT

The number of instruction is now indicated when importing adjustments via IDB.


Redemption day is updated for stock market instruments in the integration with QUIK if the value differs from the QORT value and isn’t a zero.

midQORT, backQORT

Functionality for work with highly qualified investors

New functionality

Supported in

It has become possible to set roles for sending notifications to qualified investors about necessary status confirmation at change of a trading day.


The editor ‘Events for qualified investor’ includes the following changes:

  • a situation is solved when a client – a qualified investor – has two current agreements (for example, broker and IIA) but the ‘Service code’ list displays all types of services without separating them by agreements.
  • the registry of qualified investors displays additionally "ISIN" and "CFI" values in the field ‘Type of security and/or other financial instruments’ and in the ‘Client statement’ (from the registry of qualified investors)’."


Middle-office capQORT — solution for asset management companies

The list of capQORT developments in Q3 of 2017:

Pool orders

New functionality

Calculation of collected coupon income in pool orders was adjusted.
Calculation is now made not on the date of pool order generation but on the planned date of securities delivery.

A new information window pops up if the system rejects instructions for pool orders.
The window displays data on the instructions and rejection reason for generated elementary orders.

Improvements were made in the dialogue for pool order forwarding in the negotiated mode – when choosing counterparties, priority setting is available. The list of counterparties may be set in the way that chosen counterparties are shown first and followed by other counterparties in the alphabetical order.

When generating pool orders in the share raising mode it has become possible to view cash shortage notifications if there are portfolios with inadequate cash resources.
The notifications contain only portfolios with inadequate cash resources.
When choosing the option ‘Generate instructions only for portfolios with adequate cash resources’ elementary orders are formed only for portfolios with adequate cash resources.

A menu item ‘List of changes’ was added to the pool order table.
When generating orders for a group of accounts, an ordered asset is automatically placed in prioritized order.

When forwarding pool orders for the section type ‘Exchange SPOT’ a planned portfolio evaluation is used in distribution by elementary orders.


New functionality

The algorithm for reconciliation with the clearing report SEM02 of Moscow Exchange supports functionality for replacing client codes.
This improvement allows reconciliation with reports when client codes replacement is set on the QUIK server.


New functionality

A new calculation basis was added to calculate ‘commission for portfolio evaluation (fixed)’. The base allows writing off a fixed commission depending on portfolio evaluation by weighted average price for the previous month depending on the scale.

It has become possible to specify order volume (number of lots in the order), commission for every lot, and the number of free orders that may be forwarded with no commission.


New functionality

A new field ‘total interest’ was added to the ‘Calculation data’ tab in the REPO trade editor. It shows the full amount of interest which a client should pay for REPO trade.


New functionality

There are changes in the system for accounting and displaying industries of assets and issuers:

  • analytical industries were added to work with multilevel classification systems (for example, GICS).
  • it has become possible to enter analytical industries in the terminal and assign them to issuers and assets.
  • asset industries may be imported from the Bloomberg market data systems via GICS classification system (Bloomberg DataLicense QORT Program Interface is required).

The table ‘Coverage of total short position by subaccount’ acquired the following columns: 

  • ‘NFC’ – a future contract for the given basic asset with the nearest expiration date
  • ‘NFC price’
  • ‘Max. number of NFC’
  • ‘Number of NFC in portfolio’
  • ‘TSP accounting ratio’

The item 'List of changes’ was added to the context menu of the corrections table. A table of the same name opens for correction when this item is selected.


New functionality

A structure of portfolio consisting of several financial instruments may now be viewed for specified dates.

Portfolio evaluation logic was changed – automated price selection became more flexible. If the price is not found by quotes when generating OTC orders by asset manager form, then the price is automatically defined by security price with the help of price search algorithms set for portfolio evaluation.


New functionality

Now ACI accounting is supported not only for trade execution date but also for the planned settlement day.

The block ‘Available’ of the asset manager order form displays only balance of accounts in collateral.


New functionality

The generation dialogue for trades and trade orders with securities automatically fills the price currency when a financial instrument is selected.

When editing fields ‘Cross rate date’ and ‘Days before payment’ in the editor of securities and REPO trades, the fields ‘Volume in payment currency’ and ‘Volume 2 in payment currency’ (for REPO) are automatically recalculated in the block ‘Payment in different currency’. Also these fields may always be edited manually.

Security and performance

New functionality

Domain user authentication by name and password is supported with the help of MultiPurpose SSPI Provider.


New functionality

The mechanism of integration with the Avancore system supports uploading additional asset types to the lists of securities and quotes: ‘Securities of foreign states’, ‘Securities of international financial organizations’

Availability of data on par value and par value currency and availability of coupon schedule for bonds with the ‘Coupons’ feature are both monitored when exporting data on bonds to the Avancore software.

Completed CFI assets are updated on integration with Bloomberg Data License.

The ‘External delivery account’ feature was added to the physical account card. The feature is imported from the IDB. When processing a trade for such an account the system automatically generates T0 stages of external delivery and full delivery.

There are changes in the importing algorithm for correlation ratios and betas used in calculation of a total short position. Calendars are now taken into account when importing data from MOEX.

Redemption day is updated for stock market instruments on integration with QUIK if the value differs from the QORT value and is not a zero.

System usability

New functionality

A new informational field was added to the ‘Users’ table which shows the last user’s entry to the system.

Trader’s ID in the QUIK system is shown in a separate column of the trades table.

The algorithm has been improved for generation of trade settlement stages: it has become possible to put in planned dates for full delivery and payment stages from trade parameters.

A new functionality was added for easy interaction between various company units working with trades.
Trade editing by a trader may be banned if a back-officer sets the ‘checked’ status for the trade. This allows avoiding situations of simultaneous trade editing by trader and back office.
At the same time, SWIFT messages (MT54) are generated only for trades with the ‘checked’ status.

The asset card acquired an option for searching a basic asset. It has also become possible to filter basic assets available for the asset of a specified class and type.

System usability: portfolio organizer

Trader-manager has a new convenient form to view data – portfolio organizer. The latter represents a few windows reflecting the structure of a selected portfolio, its parameters, aggregated indexes, limits and working orders.

The functionality of portfolio organizer is under further development:

New functionality

If an order is forwarded in the asset manager form it is possible to indicate digit letters when entering the order amount:

  • if it ends in k, the order amount is multiplied by 1000;
  • if it ends in m, the amount is multiplied by 1000000;
  • if it ends in b, the amount is multiplied by 1000000000;
  • if it ends in t, the amount is multiplied by 1000000000000.

For traders the logic was changed in processing of instructions in the portfolio organizer: a trader with the right to cancel instructions may now cancel the instruction and its orders without sending a corresponding request to the asset manager.

At entry of a new instruction the rights for its forwarding are checked. If the user has no corresponding rights he may only view the existing instructions but not enter new ones.

The form ‘Trade order’ opened from the portfolio organizer now contains data on available cash assets.

At entry of a new instruction in the portfolio organizer the rights for the ‘New’ status are checked. If the corresponding rights are not confirmed, the user may not generate instructions in the portfolio organizer.

A new status ‘Accepted for processing’ was added for instructions. The portfolio organizer acquired the menu item ‘Accepted for processing’. The intermediate status was added to inform an asset manager that the trader saw the instruction and took it for processing.

The functionality was added to delineate rights for work with instructions. If a user has a right to set both ‘OTC check passed’ and ‘Sending’ statuses, then he may set the status ‘OTC check passed’ for all instructions and also ‘Being sent’ status for OTC orders only. 

The portfolio organizer allows forming requests to cancel execution of OTC orders. An item ‘Back to processing’ was added for executed OTC orders which cancels generated trade orders and restores the instruction to the ‘For execution’ status.


With all questions about products, terms of use and testing, please contact the Sales and Marketing Department at ARQA Technologies:
+7-383-2191619, sales@arqatech.com

With questions about product use please contact QORT Support Service:
+7-383-2191699, qortsupport@arqatech.com

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