Improvements in QORT products made in June, 2024

9 july 2024

We offer to your attention the main improvements in solutions based on the QORT software platform.

Automated back-office backQORT

Module of integration with RU DATA

  • There is an option to download from RUDATA ACI values calculated per asset unit in a face value currency for each day of future periods.


  • When calculating commissions, it has become possible to generate reports without generating accrual/writing off operations.
  • For derivatives market trades, it is now possible to calculate commissions using the ‘Blocked’ algorithm.


  • The back-office allows registering new type of trades – ‘Total return swap’.
  • For trades of the ‘Securities loan’ type, it has become possible to use the variable rate functionality, similarly to REPO trades.


  • The back-office allows downloading the clearing center’s indicative discounts for currency.

Middle-office of an asset management company capQORT


  • In DFI restrictions, there is an option to exclude securities received by the first REPO leverage.


  • The middle-office allows registering new type of transactions – ‘Total return swap’.

System Usability

  • In the asset filter, it has become possible to display only the assets in circulation.


  • The middle-office allows downloading the clearing center’s indicative discounts for currency.

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