Improvements in QORT products made in December, 2021

28 december 2021

We offer to your attention the main improvements in solutions based on the QORT software platform.

Automated back-office backQORT

‘Reporting to NSD Repository’ module:

  • A new report of the СМ 093 form was added for NSD Repository which registers violations of settlement dates in a trade.
  • Сlient-client trades with both parties operating under an agency agreement are no longer displayed in the Summary report and report files are not generated for such trades in NSD. Previously, such trades were included in the report if they were executed on the basis of the General agreement.


  • When activating ‘MIFIR Transaction Reporting’ in the Trades table, it is possible to manually set a type of report for the trade (‘New’, ‘Change’, ‘Cancellation’). In this case, it is generated without any additional checks in the system.
  • New reports can be generated: ‘Information on income, expenses and property’ in accordance with the CB Ordinance № 5798-U and ‘Professional participant performance indicators’ in accordance with the Bank of Russia Regulation № 481-P.


  • Based on preset rules, it has become possible to set instruction parameters not for a day, as it used to be, but for a period of time.

Integration with QUIK:

  • A position file for QUIK can be transferred to the QUIK server automatically.
  • When uploading the position file to QUIK, the position in securities can be uploaded with a preset number of decimal figures.
  • There is no need to fill in and update some parameters of the Securities market assets received form QUIK: CFI, unredeemed par value, CB marking, ISIN, state registration code, size of the issue in circulation, redemption date. This, for example, allows avoiding automatic recording of known incorrect information on assets from certain sections.
  • To upload positions to QUIK, different priorities can be set when searching instruments for different trading venues.

SWIFT messages:

  • When processing SWIFT messages (MT 544-547) for spot aggregates, if the volume in a message is less than the volume of the aggregate by Tolerance from the setting as a maximum, the aggregate trades will be executed in full. The missing difference will be taken into account during a special stage type (‘Payment’) in the trade of the greatest volume.


  • If the available cash balance is not enough to write off the full sum of the calculated tax during calculation of PIT for a year, a correction can be generated without the execution date for a size of the tax part which could not be written off. On receipt of cash, it can be executed automatically. Such corrections are not used in PIT calculation until their execution.

Middle-office of an asset management company capQORT


  • On the ‘Classifiers’ tab of the asset dialogue, values of the current asset in different classifiers are now displayed and available for editing. This, for example, allows storing the asset ID from different external systems in the main QORT database.

Pool Orders:

  • During pre-trade control, it has become possible to view, adjust, and resend for execution cancelled elementary orders of a pool.

Portfolio organizer:

  • The ‘Fund parameters’ window of the portfolio organizer acquired an option to display additional information: subaccount for calculation of net asset values, model portfolio linked to the net asset values subaccount, volume in a model portfolio, and a number of other parameters.


  • System users with certain rights are allowed to edit limit parameters even though these limits are active, i.e. linked to the portfolios. The records of all changes in limits are saved.

Integration with QUIK:

  • There is no need to fill in and update some parameters of the Securities market assets received from QUIK: CFI, unredeemed par value, CB marking, ISIN, state registration code, size of the issue in circulation, redemption date. This, for example, allows avoiding automatic recording of known incorrect information on assets from certain sections.

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