New version of OMS Manager Module — 5.4.0 released
The following improvements were made in the new version of the OMS Manager Module:
- It has become possible to process OMS orders with a new ‘Draft’ status which informs of a provisional record of the client’s order in the system. With this status, the OMS order does not reserve funds and it cannot be executed but can be registered without specifying its quantity and price. Besides that, such an order can be edited, activated and switched to the ‘New order’ status in case of a successful pre-trade check of the operation by client.
- The OMS orders booking mode now can be set (with or without generation of booking trades) for a separate OMS class.
- The expiration date is now filled in the OMS order entry form for specified OMS classes by default. Also, when choosing the OMS order expiration date it has become possible to fill in the date counted from the current trading date for a specified number of working days.
- The ‘Delivery’ and ‘Payment’ fields were added in the forms for OTC-trades, OTC-trades with counterparties, and booking trades to display corresponding dates, delivery and payment settlement codes.
- The functionality is developed for automatic execution of OMS orders by OTC-trades in case of a non-multiple exchange lot of the unfilled balance.
- The Trader has an expanded functionality to group OMS orders with the ‘Working’ status for further execution and to group market and limit OMS orders with the ‘Completed’ status for further booking.