New versions of FIX adapter and FIX drop copy program interfaces — 3.66
The released versions of FIX adapter and FIX drop copy program interfaces have the following improvements:
- in encryption settings, it has become possible to set a list of certificate names and a list of certificate serial numbers for which the incoming TLS connection is allowed,
- an option was added to register negotiated deal orders by volume (‘Enter negotiated deal order by value’ transaction) which are available in PSAU/PSSU placement classes on the Moscow Exchange Securities Market,
- the Execution Report message now transmits:
– an exchange order ID for orders of the Bookbuilding module,
– information on the liquidity pool in which an order in the Saint-Petersburg Exchange trading interface (Foreign securities market) was executed, - a message requesting an instrument directory (SecurityDefinition) has an extended format to transmit new ‘Complex financial product type’ and ‘Instrument execution date’parameters.
In addition, the FIX adapter program interface allows specifying the ‘GiveUpBroker’ field during the registration of a new OMS order.