Position Keeping

midQORT enables consolidation and own/client position keeping online (when possible) for all trading and non-trading operations with various financial instruments.

Positions in midQORT

A position in midQORT is represented by a number of parameters (balance, current and future liabilities, collateral, variation margin, etc.) which are taken into account by assets, owners, and storage places.

Trade data is uploaded to midQORT online from the QUIK software package via information services (for example, BLOOMBERG VCON®) or from external systems.

The system automatically receives reference and market data on all available instruments from QUIK. midQORT may import and update reference and market data via integration with information services (Ru Data, Cbonds, Bloomberg Data License®)*. This allows correct display of data on positions when executing trades with new instruments.

The system supports various T+ trading modes.

* To receive the data, an agreement, concluded with the provider, is required.

Types of trade operations accounted in the system

  1. Trades:
    • assets and bonds (Russian and Eurobonds, government and corporate, credit notes) including REPO and negotiated trades with stocks and bonds,
    • depository receipts (ADR, GDR),
    • money market instruments (foreign currency, deposits, including currency and % swap),
    • derivatives market instruments (futures and options),
    • promissory notes and investment units,
    • mortgage participation certificates.
  1. Non-trading operations:
    • accrual/writing off of commissions,
    • asset depositing/withdrawal,
    • corporate events.

Current and planned positions

Positions display both current parameters and planned changes connected with corporate events, repayment of current and future liabilities, current and future revenues, including:

  • current and planned balances for cash, securities and other assets,
  • price of position opening,
  • liabilities for REPO and forward trades.

The internal structure of accounts of midQORT allows the discretionary grouping of portfolios and instruments to display positions by various parameters. The system supports the grouping of sub-accounts into analytical accounts by specified features, which allows analyzing financial indicators by various information filters.

When uploading market data, data on trades, corporate events to the system, positions are recalculated with regard to the whole preset hierarchy of sub-accounts simultaneously.

midQORT keeps track of position changes. Besides that, it has become possible to make changes at a time different from the current trading day (both at past and future) with automated recalculation of all parameters from the transaction date till the current trading day. Postdated trades are not processed until the date of trade execution.

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