Management Reporting
midQORT provides users with tools to systematize information about income and costs by various parameters (daily, over period, on date, by instrument) and receive reports on financial results and the state of security portfolios including online modes.
The state of portfolio may be evaluated both by the balance sheet and market prices making it possible to calculate a daily profit and evaluate unrealized gain. Calculation of current break-even prices by instruments enables users to evaluate the level of prices which allow meeting all direct costs of executed operations. When calculating financial results, paid commissions and other costs are taken into account.
When generating P&L reports, financial results may be calculated both for a particular sub-account and for a group of sub-accounts depending on the aim of the analysis.
During calculation of financial results for each date (for all dates of a settlement period) the following indicators of each asset are calculated and displayed in P&L reports:
- income from revaluation for each date included in a reporting period,
- income from coupon redemption (ACI) in the evening (morning) of each date,
- portfolio income over a period by dates or instruments,
- a balance sheet price and balance sheet value of an asset in the morning (evening) of each day,
- an online market price of assets,
- online realized gain,
- online unrealized gain,
- operational income from all operations in the morning (evening) of each day,
- operational income from REPO trades in the morning (evening) of each day and other.
Main Types of Analytical Reports
Main types of P&L reports
Depending on purposes, the following types of P&L reports may be generated in midQORT:
- ‘Portfolio income for a day’ — reports for portfolio evaluation which allow receiving information about asset market price, realized and unrealized gains, and a daily income in the online mode.
- ‘Portfolio income for a period by dates’ — reports displaying income for dates of a reporting period, filtered by asset classes (stocks, bonds, futures) which earned the profit.
- ‘Period income by instruments’ — reports providing the information about a general income by instruments over a reporting period.
- ‘The state of portfolio for a date’ — reports characterizing the state of portfolio for a specified sub-account/analytical account on a specified date for all portfolio instruments, including cash.
- ‘Directory for financial result calculation’ — which is a register of all operations ordered in accordance with the method of putting assets on the balance sheet to calculate a financial result.
- ‘Current break-even prices’ — reports that allow receiving information online about current break-even prices which make it possible to cover purchase costs without bearing losses in case clients’ assets are sold at those prices.
Putting assets on the balance sheet
To calculate financial results, assets may be put on the balance sheet in different ways:
by date of trade execution,
by payment date,
by delivery date,
by delivery and payment date (in this case a placement date is the latest of two dates).
According to chronological execution of operations, a virtual waiting list is generated for each asset using one of chosen calculation methods: by FIFO, LIFO, weighted average price. Generation of the waiting list is based on the method chosen for putting assets on the balance sheet. Each next operation changes the position. This includes recalculation of parameters of disposed assets as well as assets left in the waiting list.
Revaluation of assets
Analysis of information by various parameters may require asset evaluation by market, balance sheet prices or any other expert evaluation. For this purpose midQORT supports a revaluation procedure to establish the asset value for a specified date. The system records cases of revaluation with dates of last revaluations. midQORT also keeps track of revaluations over a specified period.
For asset revaluation midQORT allows installing an algorithm separately calculating prices of each kind, class, type of assets for a particular sub-account or a group of sub-accounts.
Break-even prices
midQORT provides a convenient tool to receive information about current break-even prices online. Current break-even prices are calculated for assets available on a particular sub-account or a group of accounts.
The calculation depends on the date specified as initial for calculation of current break-even prices. The table ‘Current break-even prices’ displays parameters for the starting date of the calculation (number, volume, price, ACI) and current values of these parameters.