Service modules backQORT

Service modules backQORT

Additional control of operations, internal reports.

Spot Market Risk Management

The module is designed for monitoring and managing stock and FX markets risks of clients' and traders' operations and groups thereof.

Derivatives Market Risk Management

The derivatives market risk management module provides massive opportunities for addressing risk management issues on the derivatives market online.

Management Reporting Module

The module is used to generate management and analytical reports on any client, trader, desk, and group thereof.

VaR-analysis Module

VaR-analysis Module is designed for VaR risk assessment.

Module of monitoring non-standard operations

The Module is designed to discover trades and non-trade operations with characteristics of unusual operations and exchange orders/trades conforming to market abuse manifestations.

Investment advice bookkeeping module

The Module displays in backQORT actions related to investment advices.

Payment position control module

The Module allows staff members of a treasury to create and edit bank’s requirements to support instant liquidity with different currencies and value dates for the bank’s own subaccounts.

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