QUIK digest for the third quarter of 2023
Q3, 2023
Dear users of ARQA Technologies software products, we would like to offer to your attention the digest of the main changes in QUIK products made in the third quarter of 2023.
Users of QDealing, the service to agree on terms of OTC trades, met in Moscow to have informal networking and see a presentation of a new version of QDealing by ARQA Technologies.
A new video about the functionality of mobile terminals iQUIK X и QUIK Android X was published in the video library of ARQA Technologies:
New Software
The new infrastructure solution is a matching system for execution of REPO trades in QUIK. The module currently supports operations with REPO baskets.
New Versions of Software
For the full list of changes in QUIK software products, see the News on the company’s website.
Trading Interfaces
Moscow Exchange Securities Market (Main Market Sector) trading interface — 13.15 and 13.16
The interface versions support new trading modes:
- ‘Buy back: negotiated orders CNY’ (with settlements in CNY),
- modes to place and buy back stocks, depository receipts, and investment units unlisted for organized trading with clearing in NCC.
Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market trading interface — 12.13
- The interface supports innovations of the Derivatives market trading system (SPECTRA 7.15) including a new type of contracts – ‘Commodity Options’.
- Changes were made in the approach to transmission of data on technical orders and trades:
– the volume of technical orders for trades for execution of futures is rounded to the nearest kopeck (like in exchange reports),
– the settlement currency is transmitted in technical orders of operations with spreads.
Saint-Petersburg Exchange trading interface (Foreign securities market) — 2.20
- The instruments of foreign issuers with settlement dates changed from T+2 to T+1 are allocated in a separate class.
Astana International Exchange trading interface — 1.3
- The interface supports transmission of the ‘Official current price’ parameter in the Quotes table of the QUIK workstation.
Service Modules
- The module can send push notifications to HUAWEI devices.
- There are new certificates to access the push notifications dispatch service for iOS devices.
Improvements were made in the ‘Direct chats’ mode:
- the charts window has a ‘Contacts’ tab with a full list of organizations and users including those available in the inter-broker chats,
- the module supports the search for messages, which can be made in a selected chat and in all chats of the user,
- the module notifies of new messages when they cannot be viewed on the ‘Chats’ tab,
- users of QDealing, the service to agree on terms of OTC trades, acquired an option to start a chart in the ‘NDM Level II Quotes table’,
- the chat window displays links in the messages and allows following them.
Integration Solutions
FIX adapter and FIX drop copy program interfaces — 3.72
Both interfaces have the following improvements:
- it has become possible to send notifications about rejection of the Market Data Request,
- the Execution Report message transmits negotiated orders’ exchange number, number of the linked trade, and an attribute of Market-maker order.
In addition, FIX adapter:
- has an option for the offering or buyback order amendment in the Bookbuilding module,
- has a possibility to transmit the deviation diagnostic of the linked orders on algo orders,
- can transmit a code and source of the order registration error in the Execution Report message for the REJECTED status.
- The interface works with instruments of the ‘Futures’ type.
Market Data Export module — 8.1
- The module supports position keeping in the calendar dates for ‘Client portfolio’, ‘Positions in instruments’, and ‘Cash positions’ tables.
- Calculation of the Client portfolio table is optimized, if the LeverageFilter is set. There is also a new setting which allows uploading the portfolio with a higher speed.
- When exporting data to the ‘Market Maker’s liabilities by derivatives market’ table, it is possible to update and delete rows.
- During the export, the module excludes duplication of orders, trades, positions in cash and instruments.
- The module supports export of trades of a new ‘Switch auction’ type.
Infrastructure Solutions
Module of electronic execution of sales QUIK EES — 2.29
- Improvements of the OTC reporting functionality are as follows:
– non-trading days are considered during OTC reports transmission,
– the functionality of blocking the trades sending until the NDM order execution has become available for the dual-side OTC reporting mode.
- In the ‘NDM’ exchange execution mode, an option was added to redirect the client’s comment to the trading system.
- The module has a new auction type — ‘Switch auction’, which supports placement of bonds with simultaneous buyback of same issuer’s bonds from another issue.
- There is a new ‘Spreads’ instrument type with an option to specify the instrument subtypes: ‘Spread on futures with different maturities’ and ‘Bond spread’.
- The module supports buyback of securities.
- It has become possible to specify the event session opening or closing for a separate instrument, which will provide greater flexibility to set trading schedules for various instruments for placement within one class.
- There is an option to prohibit the order withdrawing for users with the ‘Broker’ role (previously, it could be applied only to users with the ‘Client’ role).
- In the ‘Information on instrument’ dialog of the QUIK workstation, placement/buyback parameters are displayed for instruments of the Module.
- It has become possible to replace placement/buyback orders.
User Terminals
Mobile terminals iQUIK X and QUIK Android X — 5.0 and 5.1
- User applications have been redesigned (changes were made in the display appearance).
- A button was added in the ‘Quotes’ tab to quickly create a new list of quotes.
- The terminals display users’ own orders in the Level2Quotes table.
In addition, QUIK Android X:
- allows changing the font size in the ‘Settings’ window,
- can send push notifications to Huawei devices without Google Services,
- has become available for download in HUAWEI AppGallery.
- Options board’ table was added which supports the work with shares, futures, and FX instruments options (available only in the full-screen version).
- The workstation supports position keeping in calendar days for all markets.
- Indicators of technical analysis (Bollinger Bands, Moving Average) and oscillators (Awesome Oscillator, RSI, Momentum, Stochastic, MACD) were added for the simplified mode of webQUIK when accessed from mobile devices.
The changes in the Limit calculation library (LCL) functionality are as follows:
- the ‘Trading accounts with cash settlements only’ setting was added (transactions on trading accounts specified in the setting will not affect instrument positions),
- when setting tariff plans, it has become possible to specify groups of instruments in the same way as classes,
- in the settings ‘Trading accounts allows as per securities’, ‘Limits on security for trading accounts’ and ‘Securities allowed for trade (as per accounts)’, the LCL functionality allows specifying prefixes of instrument and trade account codes,
- the software version has an option to restrict submission of REPO orders with maturity date falling on the date of fixing the list of holders,
- the QUIK server supports calculation of the trading system commission for orders with the ‘book or cancel execution condition” for instruments of the Moscow Exchange securities and FX markets.
For all questions regarding the products, their terms of use and testing, please contact the Sales and Marketing Department of ARQA Technologies: +7-383-2191619, sales@arqatech.com.
For all questions on operation of QUIK software, please contact QUIK Technical Support Team: +7-383-2191606, quiksupport@arqatech.com.
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