New version of Moscow Exchange Securities Market trading interface (Main Market Sector) —11.16.0
The new version of the Interface supports changes in the Moscow Exchange Securities Market trading system that came into force on 04 March 2019.
In the following new QUIK classes the improved system now supports operations in the board ‘Anonymous REPO with a central counterparty (CCP)’ for 1 month and 3 months with settlements in Euros and US dollars:
- ‘MOEX Securities market: REPO with CCP 1m. (Bonds)’,
- ‘MOEX Securities market: REPO with CCP 1m. USD (Bonds)’,
- ‘MOEX Securities market: REPO with CCP 1m. EUR (Bonds)’,
- ‘MOEX Securities market: REPO with CCP 3m. (Bonds)’,
- ‘MOEX Securities market: REPO with CCP 3m. USD (Bonds)’,
- ‘MOEX Securities market: REPO with CCP 3m. EUR (Bonds)’.
It has become possible to work with a new exchange mode for settling REPO with CCP in the classes ‘MOEX Securities market: Settl.unfulfil.oblig.CCP-REPO (Stocks)’ and ‘MOEX Securities market: Settl.unfulfil.oblig.CCP-REPO (Bonds)’.
A new class ‘MOEX Securities market: Dark Pool (Stocks)’ was added, with the dark pool trading mode migrated to T+ settlement.
Settlement operations for OTC trades on the bonds market are now displayed in the classes:
- ‘MOEX Securities market: Anonymous Negotiated deals (Stocks) (USD)’
- ‘MOEX Securities market: Anonymous Negotiated deals (Bonds) (USD)’
- ‘MOEX Securities market: Anonymous Negotiated deals (Stocks) (EUR)’
- ‘MOEX Securities market: Anonymous Negotiated deals (Bonds) (EUR)’.