New version of QuantHouse Market Data Interface 6.2.1 released

14 november 2016

The new version of the Interface has the following improvements:

  • The market data of Consolidated Tape on spot instruments may now be transmitted from the NYSE.
  • The Interface supports changes in LSE market data transmission following the Group Ticker Plant Protocol introduction by the exchange.
  • There is a change in ‘time and sales’ information filtering – it may now be filtered by market or class.

  • To reduce the load on the QUIK server infrastructure the principle of operation with instrument directory has been modified. Once the Interface starts it is possible to upload to the QUIK server only the data on most frequently used (favourite) instruments. A user with special rights may order data on any other instruments at any time after a trading session started. After that such instruments are available for all users without restarting the QUIK server and the Interface.

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