New version of OMS Manager Module — 4.1 and 4.2

25 january 2018

ARQA Technologies released two updated versions of OMS Manager Module that serves as the basis for ARQA OMS.

A major new feature is the use of a new type of OMS-order – ‘House-order’, which is generated by Trader or Middle Officer. House-orders are employed for proprietary trading in broker’s client scheme. The ‘Client’ box on the form of such OMS-order indicates the Trader’s book. The execution of such an OMS-order is the same as that of any other order but does not require booking operations.

In line with bringing QUIK software to full conformity with European regulations MiFID II, the system introduced indicators for 'Client', 'Executing Trader' and 'Decision Maker' on the exchange execution form of OMS-order and venue parameters ‘ExecMarket’, ‘Capacity’, ‘Liquidity Indicator’, ‘Waiver Flag’, ‘Side Qualifier’ and ‘OTC post-trade Indicator’ in  the table of related OMS trades.

The system acquired a number of ergonomic improvements. For instance, it has become easier to choose values in dropdown lists ‘Instrument’, ‘Client’ and ‘Book’ in the OMS order form due to saving them on the top of the list with last values entered by a user. A tick in the ‘Short’ box on the OMS-order entry form allows users quick registration of ‘Sell Short’ OMS-orders.

Service functionality embraced new features such as:

  • linking algo-orders to OMS-orders;
  • automatic booking of a group of OMS-orders from the context menu of OMS-order table;
  • finding an OMS-order or trade by its number via table settings;
  • requesting a history of OMS-orders and trades by an authorized user.

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