Non-Trade Order Module new version
Non-Trade Order Module new version 19.7 was launched. The next changes of the Module were realized:
- The cash positions changing at MICEX derivatives market was supported.
In an ini-file of the [General] section the next parameters were added:
- ChangeMoneyOnMICEXFO=0/1, by default 0 (including this parameter allows activating the cash positions changing at MICEX derivatives market),
- ClassForMICEXFOChange=code of the class for sending the transaction for changing the cash position at MICEX derivatives market.
Also, in the instrument features the possibility to indicate that the instrument complies with the cash position at MICEX derivatives market became available.
- New directory, containing the list of urgencies for sending orders in accordance with this list, was added. The setting is available from the Module back office in the ‘Directories/Urgencies’menu.
- New directory, containing the reasons of orders cancelling was added. For each reason priority, the name and text about the reason of cancelling can be indicated (‘Directories/Reasons of cancelling’ menu).
- The possibility to edit data about ordering for ‘Funds transferring’ type orders was added.
- The possibility to edit the features of Reasons for the transfer (CB Input and CB Output) fields was added.