Cooperation between Thomson Reuters and ARQA Technologies – new solutions for receiving Market Data and access to Thomson Reuters Spot Matching platform

22 april 2013

Joint projects of Thomson Reuters and ARQA Technologies have years of history. Recently ARQA Technologies developed new solutions which are based on Thomson Reuters platforms. One of the solutions allows receiving Market Data from international trading venues with minimal delays; another is used for access to Thomson Reuters Spot Matching platform.

ARQA Technologies with support from Thomson Reuters developed a QUIK module which allows receiving real-time Market Data from international trading venues supplied by Thomson Reuters (Information interface of TREP-RT system). The interface uses a piece of Thomson Reuters infrastructure - TREP-RT (Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real Time). Users have access to any level of quotes such as Level I and Level II. If this market data is combined with a FIX-integration of QUIK to a trading platform of an execution broker this may become a fully-functional technology for access to international markets.

Using the same information interface for FOREX market resulted in a QUIK solution for trading through another popular platform - Thomson Reuters Spot Matching.  This trading platform facilitates trades by over 1000 participants – banks dealing in 54 currency-pairs.

‘We are happy to develop mutually beneficial partnership with Thomson Reuters – a leading Market Data vendor and provider of technologies for financial market trading. The interfaces we developed have expanded our range of solutions for trading at international trading venues currently sought by our clients’ – said the General Director of ARQA Technologies Yuri Voronov.

Anrey Maslov, the Technical director of Thomson Reuters pointed out: ‘Many Russian traders now mostly use QUIK software from ARQA Technologies for trading at internal markets. Thanks to the interface implemented with TREP-RT QUIK users may obtain full and reliable information for trading at all principal international venues. Close integration of complimentary solutions is a necessary condition for implementation of modern business processes in electronic trading. Thomson Reuters and ARQA Technologies have completed a successful project which allows their clients to implement most advanced trading strategies’.

Thomson Reuters is a leading provider of analytical information for businesses and professionals. Thorough understanding of industry and employment of innovative technologies allows the company to deliver information for decision-making in finance, legislation, taxation, science and media.

ARQA Technologies is an independent software provider of trading solutions for financial markets. The company offers a range of front-to-back solutions (front-office QUIK, middle-office midQORT and back-office backQORT) as well as SaaS from its data-centers located in Novosibirsk, Moscow and Kiev. The clients of ARQA Technologies include over 300 banks, investment and asset management companies from different countries.

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