ARQA Technologies took part in the Investfunds Forum held by Cbonds-Congress

15 june 2015

ARQA Technologies participated as an exhibitor and a speaker in the conference for institutional investors ‘Investfunds Forum’ that took place on June, 4–5, 2015 in StPetersburg. The event brought together over 200 participants including representatives of state organs, exchanges, banks, investment and management companies, funds, market data and technology vendors.

The conference offered ARQA Technologies an opportunity to introduce to its participants the company’s latest software development — the middle office of a management company ‘capQORT’. This solution keeps and controls online positions for portfolios and groups of portfolios while facilitating their analysis, restriction control and breach monitoring. capQORT serves to generate and route trade orders for various financial instruments through different execution brokers; perform accounting for exchange and OTC trades on Russian and international trading venues; and implement pre- and post-trade risk management of asset operations. Furthermore, capQORT calculates management commissions and builds various reports. The comprehensive solution for management companies is fully integrated with another one of ARQA Technologies products — the front office trading system QUIK.

The full version of presentation ‘capQORT: the middle office of an asset management company’.

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