A new version released for iQUIK - 1.1

8 june 2012

A new version of iQUIK 1.1 has the following improvements:

  1. Quote levels are centered around best demands and bids.
  2. Stop-orders now may contain period of operation and the price of a limit-order created at execution.
  3. There is an added possibility to choose QUIK server at connection. The addresses of QUIK servers are kept in a ip.cfg file.
  4. Quote graphs now have 2- and 4-hour intervals, a grid and smooth scrolling.
  5. Terminal settings now include options like:
    • hide zero limits,
    • show the name of security instead of code,
    • show purchase on top or on bottom of the quote.
  6. Now there is a possibility to replace an order.
  7. It is possible now to send a new or replace an existing order in the window of order details.
  8. The filter of trading accounts shown in the entry form now takes into account the conformity of the account to the trading mode.
  9. Several drawbacks of the previous version were corrected.

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