ARQA Technologies held the fifth annual workshop in Moscow

25 february 2009

On the 19th of February ARQA Technologies launched the annual workshop for its clients and partners in Moscow.

At this seminar considerable attention was paid to ARQA Technologies solutions for clients’ business in the economy turbulences. Special report was devoted to application of the outsourcing model on the base of the company’s Technical Centers.

Traditionally, key developments of the year 2008 were presented at the seminar. Commencements of Q2Q service functioning, Option analytics module, Client Autoregistration module were noted among the projects implemented within QUIK that can be used by brokers to broaden the functionality of existing system configurations. Algo-trading development was announced as one of the new projects that will be actively developing next year. Additional technical and organizational options for spot and derivative markets access were presented in the “foreign” theme. A new product - automated back-office of investment company based on QORT platform - was presented to the workshop participants for the first time.

The seminar brought together about 150 representatives of banks and investment companies from different cities of Russia and Ukraine. Representatives of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) took part in the seminar. Representatives of MICEX and RTS performed reports, and representatives of Bloomberg, Fidessa and Sungard made blitz-presentations.


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