New version of QUIK server software — 10.3

27 june 2023

The main changes in the released version of the QUIK server software relate to the Limit calculation library (LCL) functionality:

  • The ‘MD+’ lending scheme has an option to keep cash and instruments positions filtered by calendar settlement dates. This will allow using the scheme which shows positions by specific dates instead of keeping positions by limit types. The new approach will simplify in some cases the load process and work with client positions in particular when executing operations with settlement dates to be on non-trading days for certain instruments and currencies.
  • It has become possible to activate the ‘Prohibit operations in money limit absence’ setting in individual settings for client codes and in the ‘By leverage’ template.
  • It is possible to set a commission for voice instructions by classes and groups of instruments. The volume percentage, amount per instruction, and the maximum between these values can be used as a commission type.

There is also a number of improvements in the QUIK Administrator user rights’ editor related to its better usability:

  • New ‘Calendars’ and ‘Class groups’ dictionaries were added which can be used to set a schedule of trading and non-trading days for different instruments and currencies in the scheme for positions keeping in calendar days.
  • The editor acquired expanded options to export the ‘Users’ dictionary to a file. Now selecting ‘Export table’ under the shortcut menu opens the dialog box with a progress bar and additional settings that allow selecting columns to be exported.

Besides that, if PostgreSQL is used as DBMS, it is possible to set SSL encoding.

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